常微分方程辅导 Ordinary Differential Equations大学数学家教
Ordinary Differential Equations
面对面或远程视频授课,一对一辅导,中文版常微分方程,200元/次; 每次2小时,英美加等国英文版常微分方程Ordinary Differential Equations, 300元/次; 每次2小时,上门授课400元/次,每次2-2.5小时。
联系人:孟老师 手机:13392844117 QQ:78609419(高数辅导网)
网 址: http://www.unhuo.com
地址: 深圳福田区深南大道与彩田路交汇处大中华金融中心C座(GCIC)20楼2006-30
地铁: 蛇口线(2号线): 岗厦北站,A出口过地下道到深南路南侧,出口处那栋就是。
Ordinary Differential Equations
First Order Differential Equations
Linear Equations Identifying and solving linear first order differential equations.
Separable Equations Identifying and solving exact differential equations. solve the Bernoulli Differential Equation.
Using first order differential equations to model physical situations. Applications of first order differential equations.
Equilibrium Solutions Euler's Method. Second-order Differential Equation
Homogeneous Second-order Linear Equations. Nonhomogeneous Second-order Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients.
The Characteristic and Structure of General Solutions
Linear Systems of Differential Equation
The Eigenvalue-Eigenvector Method of Finding Solutions. Fundamental Matrix Solution;
Laplace Transforms and Their Applications in Solving Differential Equations
Laplace Transforms and Inverse Laplace Transforms. Solving Systems of Differential Equations by Laplace Transforms.
Introduction to the Stability Theory
Stability and Geometrical Characteristics of the Solutions of Linear System. Stability of Singular Points.
更多详细内容:Ordinary Differential Equations(常微分方程) |